Save Our Story Inc was established at a critical time when all around us,
the stories that make us human,
the stories that make us kind,
the stories that make us tolerant and curious and warm,
the stories that make us nurturing,
All these “Make a Human” kit of stories are being discarded or trashed at such an alarming rate that we decided that we, as film makers, writers and creators, could not idly stand by and let this vandalism destroy our society and divide our souls.
We are committed to finding and elevating and celebrating the stories that feed our humanity and build a future full of promise.
We are committed to honoring the stories of pain that has never been allowed to be acknowledged, because how can there be healing without hearing? How can there be a future unless the future that we lost is reclaimed to be regained?
Too many stories have been lost and too many souls have died with the story still in them, the story that only they could tell.
We hope you will join us.